Circ Jockeys

Circ Jockeys #70 – Don’t Mention The Apiary!

Posted in Comics by Steeb on May 11, 2010

(Click on the comic for a larger image)

I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.

Woo! Finals!

Woo! Tech Week!

Woo! Comic!

Woo! B e e s !

Woo! See you Thursday!


Circ Jockeys #69 – bzzzzBZZZZZzzzzzzzzbzz

Posted in Comics by Steeb on May 6, 2010

(Click on the comic for a larger image)

There were lots of bees.

Speaking of bees… Next Friday at the MET is opening night for Planet Claire: A Sci Fi Go-Go Musical, a musical based on the music of the B52s. I will be sound and mic op for the show, if you are in the area, you should pick up tickets and check it out. And if you are a Hood student, bring your ID for $5 tickets.

That’s it for me guys. See you all Tuesday!


Circ Jockeys #68 – The Baconian Method

Posted in Comics by Steeb on May 4, 2010

(Click on the comic for a larger image)

Welp… it is that time of year. Papers, papers, papers… and then all sorts of finals. On top of that, finals fall during tech week for the play that I am sound op for.

It still looks like I will have time to update during finals, so there will be no gaps in the record.

In other news: the O’s swept Boston over the weekend. That was nice.

Also: Derby Day!

See you all on Thursday!
